Contact Details

The web has made people rather profligate about hurling off emails and there may, indeed, be any number of reasons for your contacting the Peculiar Poetry website:

Complimenting the creator on the elegance of his poems;

Throwing the electronic equivalent of rotten vegetables;

Asking for advice or an opinion on your own poetic output;

Seeking permission to reproduce the poems elsewhere;

Sending spam, pork luncheon meat or other inedibles;

Advising of websites passing off the poems as their own;

Making suggestions as to suitable sites for the links page;

Offering to contribute your own original poems to the site;

Submitting the work of others to the site as you own;

Suggesting ways to improve the website's functionality.

Fire Away

So please feel free to email me at and I will certainly read, and will endeavour to reply to, all correspondence not written in either green ink, blood or its electronic equivalent.

Nota Bene

If you are intending to submit funny poems for possible inclusion in the Guest Poetry section of Peculiar Poetry, please remember the Peculiar Poetry is a site devoted to the enjoyment of funny poems. I don't particularly mind deleting from my in-box poems written by people who clearly wouldn't recognise a funny poem if it jumped up and bit them, but if there is no earthly chance of your work being included in the site - you write introspective poems about death, self-obsession, depression, neurosis or such-like - it's rather a waste of your time to submit them.