Break in Hostilities

A poignant poem about experiences of Christmas during times of war. The poem relates to the First World War, when the hope that it would 'all be over by Christmas' proved tragically optimistic, but Christmas Day itself provided a brief respite from hostilities.


Christmas Poetry


Modern Christmas Poems


The Not So Great War

“Your country needs you,” said Kitchener
You’re needed to fight them over there
“It will be over by Christmas,” they said
But it was just getting started instead
In the cold trenches on Christmas morn
The guns remained silent after the dawn
Soon forgetting the horrendous conditions
Men began emerging from their positions
The opposing soldiers met in no mans land
Then smiled and shook their enemies hand
Briefly at peace both sides felt regrets
Then they exchanged gifts of cigarettes
A day without a single shot fired at all
They even got to play a game of football
Sadly the men returned their own way
They began killing again on Boxing Day

Copyright © Paul Curtis. All Rights Reserved

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