As an introduction to Max Scratchmann's poetry, a selection of his funny clean poems. Which isn't to say that from this point on it's a steady decline into moral turpitude, but it's a good idea to find one's feet with some funny, uncomplicated, wholesome poems.
A funny poem which is rather in the vein of the Flanders and Swann classic The Gasman Cometh, but which has Max's postman as the poem's dramatis persona.
I confess that Notes on a Sandal has a faint aroma of nonsense verse, but the narrative is coherent (if slightly surreal).
A poem which may conceal many levels of meaning, or may be just a simple poem. Such is the joy and frustration of Max's very individual poetry.
It one of those cases where the title is almost as long as the poem and the introduction threatens to be longer still. All I can discern with certainty is it involves a safari jacket which sends out mixed messages.
Some will consider Wet Summer a tautologous title for a poem which involves English weather, the wet being entirely superfluous. Perhaps Max is jealous as the Scots don't enjoy a summer at all.
A straight funny poems about a bad day on the stock market.