More Dirty Halloween Poems

Halloween combines the sinister pagan beliefs of our forefathers (and foremothers) with contemporary interpretations as a festival of anything gory. Nothing too sexy or sensual there, you would imagine. What adds an extra frisson of excitement to proceedings is the whole goth horror element, which makes it as much a holiday about dressing to shock as anything else. So more from Paul Curtis's apparently inexaustable supply of poems in which sexy dressing up is the central theme, perhaps the whole purpose, of Halloween.

Are You Wearing Black Velvet?

Are you wearing black velvet?
You look like the Black Queen
That's so fitting for the season
I really do love Halloween

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Are You Wearing Halloween Knicks?

Are you wearing Halloween knicks?
Proper novelty underwear
All festively decked down below
In a suitably seasonal pair
It doesn't matter the decor
It will make an old man stare
Just you in your Halloween knickers
What wonderful Witching hour fare

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Are You Wearing Halloween Garters?

Are you wearing Halloween garters?
Answer me that one for starters
Beneath your dress up high
Around your black clad thigh
Where the black sheath is stopping
Where they are lacy at the topping
Are there pagan garter rings
Sexily placed decorative things
Please answer this one for starters
Are you wearing Halloween garters?

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She Could Beguile And Mesmerise

She could beguile
And mesmerise
She could entrance
And hypnotize
She was a cunning
Thorny little bitch
She was also a stunning
Horny little Witch

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Are You Wearing Halloween Drawers?

Are you wearing Halloween drawers?
I would like a look at yours
I bet a pound to a penny
You're not wearing any
There we have it at last
You are as I thought bare arsed
Of course it makes you look loose
Even if you have an excuse
Well yes it would be regarded as a treat
And not just down your street

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Are You Wearing A Witch's Outfit?

Are you wearing a witch's outfit?
Does it come with all the kit?
The shoes and cloak and hat
Striped stockings and all that
Then ply me with your potion
And realise your every notion

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Love Bitten Halloween

From the first moment
On that memorable first day
When I laid eyes on the Wiccan
All that I can say
Is that I was left as helpless
As a vampire with tooth decay

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