I wanted a computer so I asked my mum for one,
She said, Oh no, it's Christmas time, I've a set for you, my son,
It's a box of DV movies of dusty old steam trains,
Mum says that I can watch them in the evenings when it rains.
Gran came next to visit and she brought a shaving set,
There were lots of coloured bottles and a cloth thin as a net,
There was after-shave and after-sun and after-god-knows-what,
I'd no clue how to use it, but it was a gift, god-wot!
Then Uncle Bert came up the drive, I thought, he'll bring a Mac,
But instead I get a keyboard set from him, the cheapskate hack,
There was a little Hoover, it was powered by USB,
But, as I had no keyboard, 'twas of little use to me.
My Aunty Flo came next in line, I wondered what she'd bring,
A set of matching sponges or a One Direction ring?
She said, I'm really sorry, I tried to get a scooter,
But the shop was all sold out of them, so I got you this computer.
I hope you don't mind, it's not a proper gift!
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