A series of traditional Enlish nursery rhymes are revised for a contemporary audience. The current crop to be twisted and warped include Twinke, Twinkle Little Star and Tom, Tom, the Pipers Son.
Tom, Tom the pipers son
Stole a pig and away he ran,
The pig was ate and it tasted great
And so said everyone on Tom’s estate
Twinkle, twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are?
Are you the star I saw before?
Or an earth destroying meteor
One, two, three, four, five.
Once I caught a fish alive,
But what we couldn’t see
The fish was full of Mercury
An apple a day
Keeps the doctor away
Isn’t really true
So the best thing to do
Is squirt some mace
Into their face
Goosey Goosey Gander where shall I wander,
Up hills, down dales with a bullet in the chamber
there I spied you plump and fat in my cross hairs
Then on the dinner table as we where saying prayer
Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped over the moon.
We just couldn’t wait to have more fun
As we heated some more in a spoon
Itsy Bitsy spider climbing up the spout
Where all the chemical waste comes out
Now Itsy Bitsy spider isn’t quite the same
And can no longer get in the spout again
Doctor Foster
Went to Gloucester
On a railway train
But he got in a muddle
And got off at Bristol
And said “Oh shit not again”
Little Boy Blue
Come blow your horn,
And I’ll make you a superstar
In the world of porn
Hickory dickory dock
Something’s up with the clock
The clock’s struck dumb
The batteries run down
Useless bloody clock
Copyright © Paul Curtis. All Rights Reserved