One day four ladies were having coffee together
Discussing how important their children were
"My son is a priest,” said the first proud mother
“When he enters a room they all call him 'Father'."
The other three women nodded with approval
The second woman said after waiting a little
“My son is a Bishop” with a smile on her face
“When he enters a room they say 'Your Grace'."
Without hesitation the third one smugly said
"I can better that for my son wears cardinal red”
She continued not caring if she caused offence
“When he enters a room they say 'Your Eminence'.
The fourth woman just sipped her coffee in silence
The other women could barely stand the suspense
"My son is a well-hung stripper with a firm bod,
And when he enters a room they all say "My God...."
Copyright © Paul Curtis. All Rights Reserved