More funny poetry about the trivialities, improbabilities and impossibilities of life from the pen of contemporary English poet Paul Curtis.
Why should anyone want to return for a school reunion and face the horrors that they spent their formative years trying to escape. Why indeed!
The 13th sign of the zodiac is a very special and rather modern star sign reserved for babies born under very special circumstances.
When I had a rather lowly administrative job I used to delight in starting letters 'Dear Sir or Madman'. Nothing to do with the poem, which is about mothers-in-law, or rather the author's particularly sweet and endearing mother-in-law.
A poem about the absurdity of playing the lottery.
A comic poem about growing old or more precisely and more frighteningly, the realisation that what is reaching middle age.
A slightly risqué poem about the fate that befalls a man who goes to the aid of a damsel in distress.
What begins as an apologia on behalf of males of the species for their inability to understand women, somehow turns into a thinly veiled attack on womanhood.
The youth of America has recently embraced celibacy, which is fine if it gets you on national television.
A globetrotting poem which returns ultimately to the obsession shared by all Englishmen, whether at home or abroad.
Nostalgia and hysteria collide in a poem which has some seriously sexist overtones.
A poem which is superficially about shopping, but is really about the gaping chasm that divides the sexes when it comes to decision making.